Let [company_name] help answer some common questions you may have about water treatment systems.

Bottled water is the most convenient and best quality water available.
Buying bottled water can get expensive and requires frequent trips to the store. Some brands are packing water that isn't even filtered. You can have a filtered installed that is certified to purify your water better than most retail products and it'll cost you 240 times less per gallon.

A water softener or filter costs too much.
Your investment will actually SAVE you money! Whether it's no longer needing to buy bottled water because you now have filtered water at home or not needing to replace your water heater sooner than expected, you can save money on everything your water touches.

Soft water tastes salty.
Most water softeners do release sodium into your water as part of the water treatment process, but the amount is usually less that what is found in a single pickle! We can add a tap water filter to help remove any sodium from the water you drink if you have any concerns about the sodium content of your water.

Bathing in soft water makes it hard to rinse the soap away.
Soft water will feel different if you're used to living with very hard water, but the truth is that it actually rinses soap away better. Hard water bonds with shampoo and soap to form soap scum that sticks to your hair and skin. This layer of grime prohibits your skin's natural oils. With soft water, there is not sticky film left behind. The silky sensation on your body is what having naturally moisturized skin feels like.